Grooming is growing as an industry
ITC Grand Maratha Sheraton at Mumbai has a wonderful wellness center which is able to take care of the well being needs of its guests and members. Most people come there to be groomed well and business is booming.
Specialised skin care centers have sprouted up all over the country, giving advice and providing solutions to be able to have a flawless and glowing skin.
In the North, there are a number of English speaking classes and courses which are attracting a large number of customers who want to be well groomed, not only in looks, but also in the spoken word when they interact with others in the society or at office.
Apparel and clothing brands have zoomed in the south in terms of sales, whether it be in the form of formal officewear or it be in the form of informal evening wear. Everyone wants to put their best foot forward.
Grooming as an industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Earlier ladies were more conscious of being well groomed, but today male grooming desires are not lagging behind. Infact, every aspect of grooming is being addressed in a full fledged manner by both customers and the industry. There definitely is a substantial room to groom.
Indians have started traveling abroad and last year spent over 7 billion US $ as per industry standards. This coupled with the exposure on TV, there has been a strong desire and aspiration to improve the way one presents oneself to others. This deep need has given rise to a very large industry – the grooming industry.
Brand marketeers must understand the significance of this development and be able to understand that there is substantial scope to build product and service brands in the grooming industry. Thus in my opinion there is plenty of room to groom.If brand building is done in a disciplined manner and is sensitive to the consumer’s aspirations, marketeers can participate in this industry and build big businesses. Let us look at each element and the brand and marketing implication that each element offers.
The first and foremost element, is the male grooming opportunity. Research reports over the years have always suggested that males would clandestinely use products, which would make them appear and look good. Today, the bold male does not feel shy of expressing his desire to look good and appear appealing. Infact, not only products but also services have been used by today’s urban male to improve his appearance whether it be indulging in a facial or a manicure or a pedicure, the Indian male has come of age to improve his look with a different outlook. Many of the grooming centers reflect a growing number of male clients. Brand marketeers must openly target the male but in a sensitive manner inviting them to be well groomed. Care must be taken that their macho image is not disturbed, but actually enhanced.
Another element relates to skin care. Skin care clinics have started mushrooming all over India and the benefits sought go beyond acne care to having a glowing skin. This is predominately dominated by female clientele, especially teenagers who would need guidance in their growing appearance. Brand marketeers must display integrity and credibility and not make tall claims. Skin care is one of the fastest growing sectors in the grooming industry.
The next element of grooming industry is the hair care. Beauty parlours and barbers were always very close to the customers and had built up a relationship of many years with each customer. Today, specialists are offering hair styling reflecting many films and international stars. Brands for hair care have constantly harped on good grooming whether it be through flowing hair or it be through anti dandruff solution. Hair care is an integral part of the grooming industry and may just about provide a cutting edge to the looks of the customer.The next element in the grooming sector is that of fitness. Gyms, health centers and spa’s have started seeing a larger traffic walking through their doors to have a well sculpted and toned body. Fitness has always been sort after both by males and females, not only for appearance reasons but also for overall health. Brand marketeers must ensure that the latest safe equipment with the correct training is imparted to the consumers seeking this service.
The final element is a mix of etiquette, style, flair, attire and English speaking which gives the customer a well-rounded personality. This assortment could be got from an individual brands or a mix of brands to help the consumer achieve his grooming goal.
Grooming has become a serious business and brands must make a full effort to ensure that the aspiring Indian dreams of being well groomed person is surely met. This would give rich dividends to the brands.
Copyright © 2005, All rights reserved with Jagdeep Kapoor – Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
No part of this document may be modified, reproduced, stored, deleted or introduced in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording or Otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of the document.
The author is Jagdeep Kapoor, Brand Guru and Managing Director of the successful Samsika Marketing Consultancy.
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E-mail : jkapoor@samsika.com

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