Exotic Brand Marketing
Indians have taken a liking to almost everything which is exotic. They are having an increasing appetite, taste and even a preference for elements which are belonging to a foreign country or brands which are attractively unusual or striking. This opens a whole new market for exotic brands whether in products or services.
Let us begin with one of the most important emerging areas in this new field of Exotic Marketing – Food. Many years ago Chinese made a grand entry into the Indian palate and now has become almost main stream. But new exotic offerings of food like Thai, Italian have started emerging on a very large scale and new variants in continental as well as Pan-Asian cuisine have started appearing across the country in the form of specialty restaurants or in the form of food festivals whether they be Malaysian or Swiss or whether they be Latin American or specialties from Africa.
Interestingly, in a vast country like India many decades ago, South Indian food used to be considered exotic in North India and vice versa. Infact, even today there are many unexplored variants and varieties of food from different parts of India which could be considered exotic along with food from foreign lands. A “Pokh” offering from Surat during winter or a “Petha” from Agra or certain specialties from North East would also be exotic in some places and mainstream in some other places.
Exotic food offerings from foreign lands have caught the fancy of many an Indian, and this is a great opportunity for brand marketeers.
In the case of beverages, Wine has been growing substantially, whether it be Italian or French, and has suddenly started appearing at parties and private get-together. Brands like “Sula”, “Chateau Indage”, “Grover” and “Reveilo” have definitely made Indians desire for more exotic wines. Exotic wine marketing is going to be one of the fastest growing markets in India, which I would estimate to over 65% growth per annum for atleast the next 3 years. This is a great opportunity for marketing companies.
The great beverage offering of Goa – Feni – whether cashew or coconut – is one of the most exotic offerings, not only in India, but all across the world. It needs good solid brand marketing strategy and it could be one of the fastest growing beverages in the world, putting Goa on the world map, not only for its beauty, its beaches, its holidays, its friendly people, but also for one of world’s most exotic beverages – Feni. A good brand marketing strategy is needed to catapult this exotic brand for others in the world. This is a golden opportunity which should not be missed.
There are other opportunities for branding available in the area of exotic brand marketing. With the fashion industry booming, exotic brands in the area of readymade and designer clothes have started making their appearance. With the fashion week becoming a regular event in various cities of the world. This trend would continue to grow of people wanting to wear attire which is exotic and is eye catching colourful, non native and unconventional. The opportunity for exotic, marketing in the area of clothes, styles and designs as well as in the areas of jewellery have started a whole new pattern of people wanting to look different and wear different. Exotic attire is about to break open many new avenues of business and brand marketeers must be alert to this fact.
Furniture, modular kitchens, living styles and modern amenities like a Jacuzzi are all being desired for by various consumers wanting to ape the world and improve their standard of living and quality of life.
How can one leave out the opportunity of exotic travel ?
Everyone has being traveling within India and out of India to certain specific places which have been mainstream. But lately, exotic locales in countries like Austria, visiting Salzburg or Badgastien have become more and more popular. Infact many people travel there to take a small tour of the places where the Hollywood film “Sound of Music” was filmed or to enjoy the historic treats of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Now, that surely would be music to the ears of brand marketeers wanting to participate in exotic brand marketing.
That’s an extremely promising brand song. Sing it well.
The author is Brand Guru Jagdeep Kapoor, Managing Director of the successful Samsika Marketing Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: 022-28597700/7701
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E-mail: jkapoor@samsika.com
Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved with Jagdeep Kapoor, Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
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