BRAND SOCIETY - Use Society Marketing for effective results
Mumbai has thousands of societies. Each having multiple wings and a number of families residing in them. The most important thing is to respect the privacy of each society whether it be a society of housing complex or a society of an office complex. There is a proper committee in each society, which tries to do a wonderful job for its residents or offices, respectively.
There are some societies, who are open to branding and promotion through proper legal permissions as well as through proper following of rules of the local, municipal, state and central government. These societies are open to another stream of revenue, which aims at reducing the monthly maintenance of its residents.
Some societies allow, keeping the laws of the land in mind, advertising and promotion to be done by companies.
Some societies allow companies to hold seminars and workshops on Saturdays or Sundays, again with the permission and within the law.
Some societies allow their notice boards to be used to display select posters at a cost or at some consideration which would benefit the residents, whether it be cable television or gas supply, whether it be nearby restaurants or banks for credit cards, whether it be car or home finance companies or jewellery or stationery companies or ISP or broad band service providers. Everyone is trying to do society marketing with permission and within the law.
Through banners or posters, through stalls or demonstration, through health check-up or interiors check-up, all kind of companies are targeting residents through society marketing, which is making societies an important ingredient in the brand marketing process and turning them into brand societies.
Home delivery of groceries or servicing whether of the pest control kind or of the beautifying kind, the pest and the best are both being targeted through society marketing.
Society marketing has truly come of age and after the family unit the next important unit happens to be housing societies which is being leveraged by both the residents as well as companies.
I have only one piece of advice, that, whatever society marketing is being done, to build brand societies, there must not be any intrusion of privacy and permissions must be properly taken and everything should be done legally within the rules of the law.
After all, we all want to build a better society, don’t we ?
Best of luck.
Copyright © 2005, All rights reserved with Jagdeep Kapoor – Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
No part of this document may be modified, reproduced, stored, deleted or introduced in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording or Otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of the document.
The author is Jagdeep Kapoor, Brand Guru and Managing Director of the successful Samsika Marketing Consultancy.
Tel: (022) 28477700/7701 (022) 28470214/15
Fax:022 28477699
E-mail : jkapoor@samsika.com

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