Customers hate being misled. Make a genuine mistake and chances are that they will not hold it against you. So long as the Customer Service Professional is sincere, chances are that the customer won't mind an honest error. But the customer must be absolutely sure that the Customer Service Professional is acting purely in his best interests. That is my recommendation to be trusted by being genuine.
A Customer Service Professional who is genuine and sincere can be said to be 'pure'. The Pure Customer Service Professional acts without ulterior motives. He makes sure that the entire Brand Experience is transparent and he practices it without deception. His customers trust him implicitly and often follow his advice blindly because of the faith he has built up in them. His advice is normally sound and on the off-chance that he makes a mistake, his customers are more than willing to forgive and forget.
To portray the Pure Customer Service Professional more accurately perhaps it would do well to contrast him with his opposite. This person would be fake whose concern for his customers would be superficial. He would be a confidence trickster who would take his customers for a ride because he is not really interested in them coming back to him again and again.
The dividing line between the Pure Customer Service Professional and the confidence trickster is a fine one but it is easy to spot. The Pure Customer Service Professional is the real thing and customers can easily identify him. Once identified, they cling to him because he is as rare as a real diamond as opposed to an artificial stone. And they trust him implicitly.
Customers trust the Pure Customer Service Professional with their lives, their money, their important travel schedules, their children. It is important to note that the Pure Customer Service Professional would never betray this trust that he has so painstakingly built up in his customers.
Look at a doctor who takes life-saving decisions for his patients. The patients trust the doctor with their lives. If he is a Pure Customer Service Professional, the doctor will never betray that trust but will do all he can to enhance it further through a comfortable Brand Experience.
Or, take the stock broker who has to advise his customers on how to invest crores of rupees. As a Pure Customer Service Professional, he will deliver secure Brand Experience by giving sage advice that will protect and grow his client's investment.
Similarly, the travel agent who is a Pure Customer Service Professional will provide pleasurable Brand Experience by advising his customer on the most cost-effective route to take on his holiday or business trip. He will suggest hotels that suit the customer's budget and requirements. He will make suggestions keeping his client's best interests at heart. And his client will cherish that trust.
A teacher who is a Pure Customer Service Professional is to be revered. For he will mould the tender minds of his students with loving care, giving them not only knowledge but wisdom as well through a stimulating Brand Experience.
From among the thousands and thousands of Customer Service Professionals in each and every category, there are a few Pure Customer Service Professionals who are sincere and genuine, always looking to serve their customers to the best of their ability, always searching for ways to increase the worth of the Brand Experience. They are trusted. They are valued. Above all they are cherished for their sound and sagacious advice.
Therefore I recommend, be trusted and be genuine !
Copyright © 2005, All rights reserved with Jagdeep Kapoor – Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
No part of this document may be modified, reproduced, stored, deleted or introduced in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording or Otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of the document.
The author is Jagdeep Kapoor, Brand Guru and Managing Director of the successful Samsika Marketing Consultancy.
Tel: (022) 28477700/7701 (022) 28470214/15
Fax:022 28477699
E-mail : jkapoor@samsika.com

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