Segmentation is one of the most important and significant elements of Brand Marketing. It is very critical that segmentation be done in a thorough and professional manner. In my opinion, the best way of Segmentation is to do BENEFIT SEGMENTATION. This could be in addition to demographic, psychographic and geographic segmentation.
I would recommend that BENEFIT SEGMENTATION be used and be used in the manner that I would suggest. In my opinion there are three major benefits which should be used for segmentation. This is applicable to all industries, whether FMCG, Durables, Services, Financial sector, OTC, Pharmaceuticals or even industrial products.
The three benefits I would recommend for BENEFIT SEGMENTATION are the benefits of 'Look Good', 'Feel Good', and 'Do Good'. These three benefits encompass virtually all benefits across product and service categories. They are able to express the internal feelings and moods of consumers. This is a good way of deciding which is the Benefit Segment that you as a marketeer would like to target. One of the biggest and growing BENEFIT SEGMENTS is the benefit of 'LOOK GOOD'. All human beings have a desire to look good and presentable. In fact, the entire cosmetics and attire industry is based on selling the hope of 'looking good'. The 'Look Good' segment has grown even more due to the exposure consumers get due to television and travel.
The 'Look Good' benefit helps consumers, whether teenagers, males, females, young, old, kids, grandparents to meet their desire to present an appealing and attractive face to the world outside. In fact, this is an element which has given rise to many new categories as well as to many existing categories growing very rapidly. In the FMCG category, the cosmetics sector with skin care, eye care and hair care products which are also called personal products have started growing very fast. Related to this, the service industry has started moving ahead through spas and beauty salons and well being centers, bringing about a new wave of grooming- not only female but also male grooming. Further categories like fairness, anti - dandruff, footcare, non face marks and other outward appealing sectors are growing very quickly. The sector of attire clothing, shoes, belts, jewellery and other elements which make a person look good are also increasing. The first benefit of 'Look Good' is all set to grow.
The second important element, in my opinion, in Benefit Segmentation is 'Feel Good'. This is also another emerging area, for marketeers to use the opportunity to present products and service to consumers.
The entire service sector is moving in a direction targeted to provide ‘feel good’ benefits whether it be hospitals or banks, the ambience, atmosphere, environment are all set to make you feel good. What was only seen at five- star hotels, is today seen in shopping malls as well as educational institutions. The entire ambience and feel good experience of the service sector has made a great difference to the way, Indian consumers think, feel and behave. They have become world class consumers and want world class service and products.
Even areas like the food and OTC sector are offering products which make you feel good in a tangible manner. The sector has specially designed food products enhancing moods pleasantness, taste and a buoyant feeling. The 'feel good' segment is spreading itself far and wide. In fact there has been a growing demand for leisure and resort offerings. Clubs have sprouted up as well as fitness centers which are able to give you a good feeling.
There is also sensitivity which has emerged, amongst doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants who want to make their clients feel good.
The second benefit segment of feel good can also be witnessed in the automobile sector. The type of cars and the luxury provided make customers feel good about themselves and things that surround them.
The 'feel good' benefit segment also keeps appearing on the economic horizion also, affecting both market share and share market. This is truly a feeling oriented benefit which must be experienced and not only heard about.
The 'feel good' benefit also shows up in the growing world of entertainment whether radio, video, audio or films. The entertainment Industry is really making the nation feel good. Another factor helping the 'feel good' sector is that of cricket. A win, a century boosts market spending. This definitely is an excellent benefit segment so marketeer make consumers 'feel good" and then 'feel good' yourself, by increasing sales.
The third benefit segment which I would recommend is the segment of 'Do Good'. This is a slightly serious segment with a lot of evidence, involved, though the benefit could both be tangible and intangible. There are many products and services which provide the 'Do Good' benefit. It is important to get to the need of the customer and help the customer.
Pharmaceuticals as well as OTC products regularly provide 'Do Good' benefits. These sectors are growing very fast. The customer sometimes has a problem and the 'Do Good', products and services are able to provide solutions to these problems. Heath, hygiene as well as educational products and services provide the 'Do Good' benefits. Whether it be a cough or cold or it be a serious aliment, whether it be a serious issue of health or wealth, the 'Do Good' benefit segment is still underdeveloped. This segment is waiting to be explored and would be able to do well in the future. Thus we see that Benefit Segmentation, if practiced well can provide benefits to both consumers and marketeers through my recommended three fold process of 'Look Good', 'Feel Good' and 'Do Good'.
Happy Brand Building.
The author is Brand Guru Jagdeep Kapoor, Managing Director of the successful Samsika Marketing Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Tel: 022 28597700/7701 Fax: 28597699 E-mail: jkapoor@samsika.com
Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved with Jagdeep Kapoor, Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
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